

Thursday, December 25, 2008


this week, sir balbuena gave us our last computer activity for the year 2008...
we also celebrated our christmas party this week.

Monday, December 22, 2008


THIS WEEK,we didn't have a classes because it's the National STEP Competition and our teacher was busy doing something important....still we are tasked to report the assigned examples from our previous lesson..

Saturday, December 13, 2008



Friday, December 5, 2008




we are all busy cleaning our rooms for the REGIONAL SCHOOL PRESS CONFERENCE..

NO CLASSES!!! weeeeeeee!!! XD

Saturday, November 29, 2008


this week we discussed about function call:

function call
- is an expression containing the function name followed by the function call operator. ().

Type of function call:

-The type of a function call expression is the return type of the function. This type can either be a complete type, a reference type, or the type void. A function call is an lvalue if and only if the type of the function is a reference.

Arguments and Parameters 

-A function argument is an expression that you use within the parentheses of a function call.

-A function parameter is an object or reference declared within the parentheses of a function declaration or definition. When you call a function, the arguments are evaluated, and each parameter is initialized with the value of the corresponding argument. The semantics of argument passing are identical to those of assignment.

-A function can change the values of its non-const parameters, but these changes have no effect on the argument unless the parameter is a reference type.

-When a function is defined, its parameters are listed in parentheses next to its name (there must be no spaces between its name and the open-parenthesis). If a function does not accept any parameters, leave the parentheses empty; for example: GetCurrentTimestamp().
ByRef Parameters: From the function's point of view, parameters are essentially the same as local variables unless they are defined as ByRef as in this example:
Swap(ByRef Left, ByRef Right)
temp := Left
Left := Right
Right := temp
-In the example above, the use of ByRef causes each parameter to become an alias for the variable passed in from the caller. In other words, the parameter and the caller's variable both refer to the same contents in memory. This allows the Swap function to alter the caller's variables by moving Left's contents into Right and vice versa.

-By contrast, if ByRef were not used in the example above, Left and Right would be copies of the caller's variables and thus the Swap function would have no external effect.

-Since return can send back only one value to a function's caller, ByRef can be used to send back extra results. This is achieved by having the caller pass in a variable (usually empty) in which the function stores a value.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


we had an activity about our lessons..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Learnings of the week SALIBO

Mr. Balbuena gave us some reporting about iterative statements to start our next grading period..

Friday, November 7, 2008

•☺†Learnings Oƒ †he Week†☺•

By: Hanz Rafael Salibo†«

In this week, I learned how to use the for, while, and the do-while statements. Those are the kinds of looping statements. In this week, wee also made an activity. Our activity was to make a program that will print the total tuition of a student depending on the mode of payment and the base tuition.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


▲by: Hanz Rafael Salibo▲

In this week, Sept. 22-26, 2008, we made an activity. This is my work:
#define p printf
#define s scanf
{float q, w, e, r, t;
p("Enter the first number:");
p("\nEnter the second number:");
p("\nEnter the third number:");
p("\nEnter the fourth number:");
p("\nEnter the fifth number:");
if (q>w && q>e && q>r && q>t)
{p("\n\nThe first number has the highest value");
p("\nIt has a value of %f",q);}
if (w>q && w>e && w>r && w>t)
{p("\n\nThe second number has the highest value");
p("\nIt has a value of %f",w);}
if (e>q && e>w && e>r && e>t)
{p("\n\nThe third number has the highest value");
p("\nIt has a value of %f",e);}
if (r>q && r>w && r>e && r>t)
{p("\n\nThe fourth number has the highest value");
p("\nIt has a value of %f",r);}...

Sunday, September 28, 2008



In this week, I learned how to use the TURBO C. I also learned how to detect my errors in running the program.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


In this week... I learned how to construct a flowchart. I also learned the commonly used operators in flowcharting.The commonly used arithmetic operators in flowcharting are the following:
+ for addition
- for subtraction
* for multiplication
/ for division
The commonly used relational operators in flowcharting are the following:
= for equa
l> for greater than
< for lesser than
<> for not equal
≥ for greater than or equal to
≤ for lesser than or equal to
The commonly used logical operators are the following:
&& for and
for or
! for not

Friday, September 5, 2008

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